0427761975 Airlie Beach Gallery, also Hamilton Island Gallery, NOW AT CATSYEYE BEACH, both open daily

HAND SMALL Jade Cast Marble


This is a jade version of the small (life sized) hand modeled after Foot’s hand.  If you are wondering what this means with the thumb in that position, it is a commonly asked question.  The answer totally depends on where you come from or which cultures meaning you choose to apply as it means very different things in different cultures. In the Americas it is a good luck symbol, in the East it has an erotic meaning, in the Middle East and parts of Europe however it is the same as the upright middle finger.  Foot has done several sizes of this type of hand, a larger one called the Large Hand, and a Giant Hand which seems to get a lot of photographs taken.  This one is 20 cm high, available in all colours and bronze.

Foot's Artworks

Comprising a wide range of Australian made sculpture and jewellery which is not only remarkably beautiful and unique, but durable, priced for any budget and designed to accommodate all tastes in art.